Millennium Nucleus Center of Integrative Fungal and Synthetic Biology – MNFISB

Impact Area: Agricultural production
Speciality: Pathogens

Despite the importance of fungi in science, their study in Chile is low and with few international contributions. Paradoxically, a country that is a major exporter of agricultural products, has failed in terms of boosting microbiological investigation relevant to this area.

The Millennium Nucleus Center of Integrative Fungal and Synthetic Biology (MNFISB) seeks to understand and describe how fungi perceive their surroundings, how they respond to the setting and which are the changes in gene expression associated to that perception, and physiological transformations are triggered with external stimuli. In particular, this center explores the effects that environmental signals such as light and temperature have on these organisms.

Currently, the work of the MNFISB focuses on the analysis of four different fungi, and how this information can be used to gain new knowledge and develop new tools for synthetic biology approaches.

Luis Larrondo
Luis LarrondoDirector
Luis Castillo
Luis CastilloActing Director

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Phone: +56 2 2686 2484