Millennium Nucleus Center of Entrepreneurial Strategy under Uncertainty – ESUU

Impact Area: Society
Speciality: Innovation

As the Chilean economy, based mainly on the extraction of raw materials, is transformed into an economy of knowledge, it will become increasingly necessary for businesses and entrepreneurs to acquire a number of tools, abilities and new skills to succeed in the global economy.

A key element of these capacities is uncertainty management in business strategy design. In this new scenario, this Millennium Nucleus Center pursues research to solve four fundamental questions: Is uncertainty perceived as a precedent when formulating business strategies? What biases do people have about uncertainty? In business and institutional environments, how does uncertainty affect business strategy? And finally, how do changes affect partnership strategy in business?

This Millennium Nucleus Center is a leader on issues of strategy and entrepreneurship in Chile. This reputation is enhanced by the presence of young researchers and their growth within the center (mostly alumni of the best research universities such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Berkeley University, National University of Singapore, Purdue). The Millennium Nucleus Center ESUU also has unique access to entrepreneurs, CEOs and data sources in Latin America and emerging markets, making a contribution to research and center students.

Santiago Mingo
Santiago MingoDirector
Edgar Kausel
Edgar KauselActing Director

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Phone: +56 2 2331 1692