Millennium Nucleus Center for the Study of Statehood and Democracy in Latin America
Impact Area: Society
Speciality: Democracy
The Millennium Nucleus Center for the Study of Statehood and Democracy in Latin America began its activities in November 2011 and was recently renewed for a period of three years (2015-2017).
Through the work of an outstanding research team, this Millennium Nucleus Center pursues to analyze the level, type and sub-national distribution of state institutions in Latin America, which relies on the development of new research networks within the region and globally.
The territorial extent of the state is a key precondition to ensure the population’s equal access to civil, political and social rights. From this perspective, it seeks not only to estimate the degree of presence of the state and its sub-national characteristics, but also pinpoint which conditions favor the existence of weak states in this current age.
Meanwhile, the Nucleus Center also intends to identify the implications of a debilitated statehood and uneven distribution, how it affects the operation and quality of democratic institutions and the provision of public goods within society. In this sense, the Center explores the interplay between statehood insufficiencies (and its main determinants at the local, national, and global level) and various dimensions relating to the quality of the political regime.
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