Millennium Nucleus Invasive Salmonids, Invasal

Impact Area: Environment
Speciality: Ecology and Biodiversity

In the Millennium Nucleus of Invasive Salmonids (INVASAL) our mission is to identify and quantify the impacts of the presence of introduced salmon and trout on Chile’s ecosystems and society. To accomplish this mission, we are exploring lakes, rivers, and coastal marine zones for the presence of salmonids, registering the ones inhabited by them, quantifying their abundances, and characterizing the native species they interact with. Throughout these activities we are reaching out to stakeholders such as recreational fishers, government agencies, coastal communities, and general public with whom we hold lectures, seminars, and educational activities.

We understand the necessity of scientific knowledge to aid management and control of naturalized salmonid populations. INVASAL will strive to aid public policy seeking to satisfy socioeconomic interests, as well as conservation of the biodiversity heritage of the country. It is of our special interest to introduce the social and ecological debate of invasive species to the community and to contribute to the public understanding of its many perspectives. Our goal is promoting the appreciation of the country’s natural heritage into the Chilean society.

Our team comprises researchers from the University of Antofagasta, University of Valparaiso, University of Chile, University of Concepción, University of Magallanes and Melimoyu Ecosystem Research Institute (MERI Foundation). We have partnered with leading international institutions on the study of salmonids such as University of Washington (USA) and The University of Waikato (New Zealand). The INVASAL Millennium Nucleus includes specialists on the fields of population genetics, genomics, stock assessment, fishery biology, ecology, evolution and conservation of fishes, invertebrates, aquatic mammals and birds.

Daniel Gómez Uchida
Daniel Gómez UchidaDirector
Chris Harrod
Chris HarrodActing Director

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Phone: +56 41 272 6579